Thursday, August 1, 2013

Japan - Culture - About the Omikuji / おみくじ

How much do you know about the Omikuji / おみくじ
Omikuji (おみくじ) are random fortunes written on strips of paper at temples in Japan. Literally "sacred lot", these are usually received by making a small offering and randomly choosing one from a box, hoping for the resulting fortune to be good.

The o-mikuji is scrolled up or folded, and unrolling the piece of paper reveals the fortune written on it. It includes a general blessing which can be any one of the following:
  • 大吉 / Great Blessing / だいきち
  • 中吉 / Middle Blessing / ちゅうきち
  • 小吉 / Small Blessing / しょうきち
  • 吉  / Blessing / きち
  • 末吉 / Future Blessing / すえきち
  • 凶  / Curse / きょう
  • 大凶 / Great Curse / だいきょう
If you got a bad fortune, don't worry. It should be tied to the strings in order to return it to the temples. If you got a good fortune, then you should take it home.

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