Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Kyodo - Ginkakuji Temple - Walk in the Ginkakuji Temple

Walk in the Ginkakuji Temple - The World Culture Heritage Site

The Philosopher's Walk 
The Philosopher's Walk (哲学の道 Tetsugaku-no-michi, Path of Philosophy) is a pedestrian path that follows a cherry-tree-lined canal in Kyoto, between Ginkaku-ji and Nanzen-ji. The route is so-named because the influential 20th-century Japanese philosopher and Kyoto University professor Nishida Kitaro is thought to have used it for daily meditation. The walk is a popular destination for tourists and locals, especially during hanami (お花見).

As same as the ticket of the Kinkakuji, not only the ticket it is, but also an amulet (お守り,omamori). Therefore, do not throw it away.
Kannon-den (観音殿) / Ginkaku / National Treasure
This was originally called Kannon-den, after of Rokuonji (Kinkakuji) and Ruriden of Saihouji. It is two storied: the first floor, Shinku-den is built in Shoin style, traditional Japanese residential architecture style, and the second floor Cho-onkaku is Chinese temple style having Katoumado in the panel wall and a Chinese sliding door. The bronze phoenix on the roof facing east constantly guards Ginkakuji dedicated to Kannonbosatsu, the Goddess of Mercy.

Good Bye, Ginkaku-ji, I will come back!! まだ、銀閣寺。

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