Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kyodo - Ginkakuji Temple - The World Culture Heritage Site

The Origin of Ginkakuji Temple - The World Culture Heritage Site
Ginkakuji Temple, a Zen Temple, was established in 1482 by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, the eighth Muromachi Shogunate. Yoshimasa, following Kinkakuji Temple Kitayama den built by his grandfather Ashikaga Yoshimasa, built villa Higashiyama den to spend his retired life. Ginkakuji is the common name, and formally it was callde Higashiyama Jishoji (東山慈照寺), taking after Yoshimasa's posthumous  title after his death.

Higashiyama den is the place where Higashiyama culture formed mainly by Yoshimasa started, and is the start of modern life style of the Japanese.

Even now, the combination of Higashiyama culture and Zen culture can be seen here.

Visit Guide
Summer(3/1-11/30)   : 8:30~17:00
Winter(12/1-2/28,29) : 9:00~16:30
Open all year. If there is an event, please check the opening time on the Website.
500yen/ person (Adult)
300yen/ person (Child)
Bus: To Ginkakuji
Article Source: Ginkaku-ji Gulide

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