Monday, June 17, 2013

Kyodo - Kinkaku Temple - Walk in the Kinkaku (The Golden Pavilion)

Walk in the Kinkaku (The Golden Pavilion) / Rokuon-ji Temple
If you have ever seen the animate, Ikkyu san (一休さん), then you must know this building, Kinkaku-Ji.

Visit Guide
9:00~17:00, all year. If there is an event, please check the time on Website.
400yen/ person (Adult)
300yen/ person (Child)

Follow me, and let we walk in the Kinkaku-ji.
Not only the ticket it is, but also an amulet (お守り,omamori). As written in the amulet, it guards your family safety, and gives the luck to you. Therefore, do not throw it away.
The original name is called Rokuon-ji Temple, but commonly called Kinkaku-ji Temple.

Wow, what a beautiful it is!! First time I saw it, I almost can not control my tears.

Gold foil on lacquer covers the upper two levels of Kinkaku, and a shining phoenix stands on top of the shingled roof.



The Ryumon Taki - Carp Rock (龍門瀑 - 鯉魚石)
Good Bye~ Kinkaku-ji. まだ、金閣寺。

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